You have what it takes to build a business and life you love. I promise.

Tell me if this lands

You have a hard time trusting that you’re on the right path and making the right choices for your business and life.

You struggle to balance life and entrepreneurship. You feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day for it all.

You worry about money all the time. And you’re afraid to take time off.

You struggle to believe that what you do is of value and that people want to pay you for it.

Rest assured my friend…

I totally get it.

Allow me to introduce you to something that I like to call


Heartwork is a personal 1:1 coaching container that’s designed for people like you: Caring people who want to make good money doing work that they actually believe in.

Create clarity and confidence so you can more easily:

Determine your direction and take action towards it

Build a successful, meaningful and fulfilling business

Enjoy the way you spend your time in both your life and business

Grow your confidence in yourself as an entrepreneur

“Sydney is a wonderful coach who helped me navigate the launch of my business.

She helped me stay grounded in how I wanted to be and feel, while practicing compassion for myself (my tendency to be overly critical was getting the best of me). She asks brilliant questions (I love returning to our notes) and helped me develop a framework for defining success on my own terms. I am so much more confident and joyful as a result of our time together.

~ Lisa

“I've come away more aware, more confident and more accepting.

Best of all, the whole time, it feels like you are talking to a close friend who only wants the best for you.”

~ Paul

We’ll start by really understanding where you’re at right now as well as where you’d like to be

Everybody comes into this at a different stage. Once we get a solid idea of where you’re at now, where you’d like to be and why your endeavors are so important to you, we’ll have a foundation from which to move forward. After that, we’ll get clear on what’s getting in the way both emotionally as well as circumstantially. And then, we’ll work together to shift inner narratives and belief systems so you can compassionately and strategically overcome obstacles.

We’ll celebrate the progress you’ve already created along the way

How often are you disregarding all the things you ARE doing and ignoring the things that ARE working? This is such normal human behaviour and it’s also one of the primary reasons you lack confidence and security in yourself.

It’s very important to me that in my container we take the time to recognize and celebrate you for what is going right and for what you’re doing well. I think of celebrating and self acknowledgement as a skillset. It has an incredible impact on your motivation and confidence.

You’ll unpack the ideas, thoughts and worries that are bogging you down

You’ll have a safe space to talk through your brilliant ideas and your worrying fears so you can process through the emotions that come up and develop grounded strategies that move you forward. It’s amazing what we’re capable of when we have encouraging support along the way.

You’ll determine each step forward in ways that are supportive and sustainable

Acknowledging what IS working and working through your fears changes the game when it comes to confidence. And when you feel confident, you think more clearly and creatively. You’ll start to see the steps that you want to take and you’ll feel motivated to take them.

Would you like to connect
and see if we’re a fit?

If you like what you’re hearing I encourage you to book a consultation. You’ll have an opportunity to share with me where you’re at, as well as where you’d like to go. I can offer a more thorough and personalized explanation of what I do and we can connect and see if it feels like a fit.

Each consultation takes about an hour and they’re free of cost.

“I was lost and spinning my wheels for a long time.

What I thought I needed was someone to help me be accountable. And what I discovered in working with Sydney was so much more.

My favourite part is actually getting the chance to reflect back on the changes that I've managed to make in my life and what I've been able to create.

It’s super rewarding.”

~ Adam

A quick recap on what you get when you build your clarity and confidence with Heartwork

A way to earn money that feels rewarding and impactful

A safe and considerate space to unpack your ideas and worries

More trust and connection
with yourself

Strategies that make decision-making easier and clearer

Business building strategies, plans and actions that match your values and feel good to you

Simple ways to look at and reframe entrepreneurship


  • When I work with people 1:1 we commit to meeting weekly for 21 sessions at a time (this takes about 6 months to complete). Each weekly call is up to 1-hr in length. We celebrate their wins, talk through challenges, uncover and unwind limiting beliefs and create action plans to support progress and momentum.

    It’s a financial investment of $3000 CAD when paid in full and I also offer a payment plan of $525 CAD/month for 6 months.

    *Sales tax is added when applicable

  • On each call, we determine next steps together based on what we talked about. In other words, you have a say in what and how much work you decide to take on each week.

    People often get worried that they won’t be able to complete their homework. I want to assure you that this is something you don’t have to worry about.

    First and foremost, we’re always choosing homework that feels accessible and doable. When you have the capacity to take on more, you choose to do so. When you don’t have the capacity we pick the best baby step.

    Sometimes life gets busy and you’re not able to get to all the things on your to do list…like your coaching homework. On those weeks, we practice self compassion and process the thoughts and feelings that can come up as a result.

    Sometimes the lack of homework completion is more of a standing pattern caused by fear or insecurity. In those cases we get curious and explore why that pattern is there. We talk through it and I help you gain awareness around what’s at the root of the problem. We then solve for that root problem.

    So not matter how you cut it, you benefit regardless of whether you complete the homework or not. When you complete it, it’s a solid win that you can learn and grow from. When you don’t complete it it’s a win that you can learn and grow from.

    You win no matter what.

  • We will talk through this on the consultation if you choose to move forward and work with me.

    For some folks, deciding a steady day and time each week works best. In that case we chat during our consultation to determine the best day and time that works for both of us.

    I’ve also worked with folks who do shift-work or who just have flex schedules. In those cases I supply you with a booking link so you can find a time each week that works best for you.

  • You can either reschedule your call using the rescheduling link provided in the calendar invites and call reminders OR you can reach out to me.

  • In short, no.

    I like working on a weekly basis the best especially when I’m working with folks who are at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. This is because there’s so much habit change that’s required in the beginning. Most folks that I work with were previously employees and so they are learning a whole new way of thinking and seeing the world. They’re learning new ways to function on a day-to-day basis. I find that when we don’t meet weekly it’s easy for the learning to go by the wayside and for the old thought patterns and habits to kick back in.

    When I work with people weekly it stays in their line of sight and they work through things both consciously and subconsciously. Their goals become harder to forget about and because they’re harder to forget about, they’re easier to remember.

  • Coaching can be a pretty hefty investment so it’s completely normal and understandable if you don’t feel like it’s something you can afford.

    I would start by taking an honest assessment of your financial situation. It’s so often that we turn down things that feel outside of our normal spending habits.

    This program helps you think differently and it also helps you learn the skill of creating confidence. Those two things alone are instrumental in increasing your capacity to earn. So while the return on investment might not be the gratifying hit you get from buying something physical like a new shirt or shoes, the long term effects are much more valuable both personally and professionally.

    Before you discount this as an investment, consider a couple of things:

    • What could I change, shift or manage in order to be able to commit to this financially?

    • Who would I become if I figured out a way to make this happen?

    I’ve grown so much in my years of creating the resources to hire my coaches so I want to encourage you to believe in your ability to do this. If it’s important to you, you can find a way.

    All that being said, I do want to acknowlege privilege and the fact that we don’t all have equal access to capital. Please know that I’m more than happy to discuss this with you if you don’t see how you can make this happen. Just book a call to chat with me and we’ll find a way to work it out. Click here to book

  • This program is meant for new and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to grow their confidence while also working in and on their business.

    If you don’t have a business yet, but you want to use this program to grow your confidence and start one then you are in the right place! If however, you have no intention of working on creating a business then this program isn’t for you. Feel free to shoot me an email though and I’d be happy to refer you to someone else. You can email me at

  • You’ve come to the right place my friend. You can use this program to figure that out and confidently move towards it.

  • Great question!

    Click here to access my where I have listed podcast interviews that you can listen to. You can also sign up for my newsletter (ie. weekly’ish love notes) there if you’re not already receiving it.

    My Instagram is my playground. I share both personal and professional content so it’s a nice way to get to a holistic view of who I am and what I’m all about. Click here to check it out.

  • This is becoming such a common question. There are a couple of ways I like to explore this question.

    Firstly, I think it’s great to know why you want to move away from social media. It’s just good to be clear about your reasons. (And by the way, “just because” is a perfectly good answer…mostly I just want you to be clear about why).

    Secondly, it’s good to remember that business existed long before social media. At its core, it’s about relationships. Anything that builds and nurtures relationships has the potential to build and nurture your business.

    So…that being said…what are some ideas?

    Here are some just off the top of my head, but I encourage you to brainstorm and come up with some ideas of your own:

    • Start a book club on a topic related to your business

    • Develop a free workshop that you can deliver online or in-person

    • Create a walking group for people who either match your demographic of clients and/or referral partners

    • Send out some hearfelt snail mail announcing to your current network of family and friends what your business is all about. You could include some business cards and ask them to share with anyone they think is a fit

    • Donate free sessions or samples as a silent auction item

    • Create sidewalk art with chalk that directs people to your biz

    • Be a guest on a podcast

    • Get to know people in your community who are in the world of your best clients

    These activities are NOT about “getting clients”. They are about building and nurturing authentic relationships. It’s from authentic relationship-building that clients will find you.

    Hopefully this helps get your brain going and also know that this is EXACTLY the kind of stuff we can get into together on our calls.

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered here?

Send it to me in an email and I’ll be happy to add it here.