
The service provided is coaching, which is not advice, therapy, nor counseling and may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. Coaching is a designed alliance that helps bring out the best in the client and helps the client create and live the life they want to live. Upon completion of the first month, the coach-client partnership will be reassessed as will the payment agreement.

The coach promises the client that all information provided to the coach will be kept strictly confidential as allowed by law. Throughout the working relationship the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client can count on the coach to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. The client understands that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by the client and the client agrees to do just that—have the coaching relationship be powerful. If the client believes that coaching is not working as desired, the client will immediately communicate that to the coach and both will take action to correct the situation.



Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Participants should consult a physician prior to beginning any activity or program covered by yoga sequences. Participants must listen to their body and not perform any postures to the extent of strain or pain.